All posts by wiLt

I am but a Pedestrian on the Highway of life

’02 Rules & opinions on kayaking

April 2002

With the increased costs in Recreational Sport Insurance, a simple weekend paddle turned into a Nightmare of logistics and money… So OCKI trimmed the whole process to a case “I’ll be paddling from here to there & if I see you all is well & goodly!

A reply from a Yachtie invited to accompany us:

Dear Wilt,

These disclaimers are a bit of a hassle for adventure sports. I suggest that you make everyone sign a statement that it is their intention to die at sea by drowning, sharkbite or exposure or possibly by alcohol intoxication. The organisation shall not be held responsible if they fail in their intent. I’ll probably catsail the distance but if anyone’s tired I could paddle their boat a bit…

The disclaimer:

To whom it may concern;

I,………………………….. while in full possession of all my mental faculties as well as being temporarily sober, have decided after long deliberation, and with full agreement of my family and ‘ friends ‘ that:

  1. It is better to die as a lion than to live like a sheep (especially in Australia).
  2. Burial at sea is considerably cheaper than the other options.
  3. Easter is a good time to shake off this mortal coil although I have no intention of resurrecting myself.
  4. Consequently, I will venture out to open sea in a manky and tippy little kayak across a stretch of water known as ‘ Shark Bay ‘ for obvious reasons. While at sea I shall leave the matter entirely in God’s hands but if He chooses to take me upstairs then that is fine by me. My estate shall be left to the canoe club to fund a major party until the funds are the only dry things left.

Signed at………………………………. this day of……………………………..
